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Illegal possession in a sentence

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Sentence count:16+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2022-02-04Updated:2022-02-04
Similar words: material possessionpossessionrepossessionlegal professiondispossessionself-possessiontake possession oftaking possessionMeaning: n. possession of controlled substances. 
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1. He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.
2. He was charged with illegal possession of a firearm.
3. He was accused of illegal possession of firearms and of embezzlement of public funds.
4. Police arrested the man for illegal possession of a weapon.
5. In cases of illegal possession , it provides for the animal's seizure.
6. The intention of illegal possession is the subjective ofcrime of financial fraud , not the optional element.
7. On surrendering, the paramilitaries had admitted only to the illegal possession of arms and to having agreed to commit an offence.
8. The man was released after being officially reprimanded for illegal possession of a knife.
8. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
9. Moses Ali was sentenced to 30 months' imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons on Jan. 7.
10. The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder, kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.
11. The seige ended peacefully and Yacoub was later charged with taking hostages and with illegal possession of a firearm.
12. The fourth section issues the study of purpose of illegal possession.
13. In this article, there are brief analyses about the content and necessity of illegal possession purp...
14. He could face up to eight months in jail for illegal possession of wild animals.
15. In subjective elements, the offender of this crime always seek illegal possession of properties.
16. In China, there are three settings for crimination of illegal possession in Criminal Law.
More similar words: material possessionpossessionrepossessionlegal professiondispossessionself-possessiontake possession oftaking possessionworldly possessionspossessivepossessivenesspossessivelyprepossessinglegal powerunprepossessingillegalillegallyillegalityillegal actbe possesseddispossessedself-possessedbe possessed ofpossessedillegal entrypossessrepossesspossessordispossessprepossess
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